Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Our week....
Kenzie's big accomplishment of the week: She lasted the WHOLE time in the church nursery!! Since we moved upstate in January Kenzie has not been able to go the whole time in the nursery...she would cry the instant I walked her through the doors but to my surprise #18 did NOT flash on the screen last Sunday!!
After the message I was so excited to get back to the nursery to see how the nice women who have always tried SO hard to get Kenzie to stop crying finally did it...the answer-animal crackers!! They won my little piggy-wiggy over with food! :) One of the women who volunteers in the nursery came to me after and told me that Kenzie signed "more" the whole time! What a little pig! I guess the way to Kenzie's heart is through her belly! :)
Looking cute...about ready to go to the playground!
Watching TV with Daddy before night-night
Monday, September 14, 2009
Funny Face
Sunday, September 13, 2009
100% weaned
I am officially done nursing! Since her birthday I have been weaning Kenzie off of breast milk but I have been having a hard time at night. She was getting up at least 2x a night to nurse! I was getting so frustrated! I knew I was going back to work after Labor Day so I knew I had to do something about the sleeping situation but I also knew that we were moving soon so I didn't want to start a new sleep plan if Kenzie was just going to have to get use to a new bed
and a new room. So I was torn on what to do! One night when she woke up in the middle of the night I decided not to go in and nurse her. I wanted to see if she would go back to sleep on her own. After 1/2 hour of crying and whining she fell back to sleep! The next night I wanted to do the same thing. I thought maybe she would learn how to fall asleep on her own without having to be nursed. The second night she was up for a long hour crying and whining until she fell back to sleep. From that second night on things have changed drastically....she now sleeps every night from 7-6:30 without waking up!!! AND she stopped nursing!! I was going to continue nursing her at night before bedtime and morning for another month or so but Kenzie decided to stop! At bedtime I would get ready to nurse her and she wanted NOTHING to do with it! I thought it was just a fluke so I tried the next morning and the next 2 nights but she did not want it!!! I can't believe my baby is growing up! I miss nursing my little Kenzie but I don't think I'll miss the 2-3 night time feedings or lugging the pump to work everyday. Now that I'm back to work it seems a little strange not having to bring my pump back and forth or trying to find a time/place to pump! I am very thankful I was able to nurse her for her 1st year but I'm a little relieved to know she is completely weaned! 
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Labor Day
On Labor Day we took Kenzie to the parade. She had a lot of fun looking at the fire trucks and horses! After the parade we went home so Kenzie could nap and when she woke up we went to the Labor Day picnic. We had a great time walking around, eating bbq chicken and watching Sophia & Ella on kiddie rides! 
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Fair
This year I was VERY excited for the New York State Fair!! I love the Fair and when I was younger I would look forward to it all Summer even if it meant that school was just a week or so away. This year I was extra excited to bring Kenzie for the first time (and Jeff since he has never been before-never even heard of it until he met me!) It was a beautiful Monday-perfect weather and wasn't too crowded! It can take some of the fun away if it's too hot or too crowded! When I was younger my mom, sister & I would spend hours at the Fair (I'm talking close to 10 hours!!) Well with Kenzie we knew it was going to be a short day BUT she surprised us! We got there around 11:30 and didn't leave until about 7:30! She was so good! We carried her most of the time because it's hard to see the animals from a stroller but when we put her back in her stroller she did not whine at all!
We started out the day in the Dairy building...there is a cow ride made for toddlers and I was very excited to put Kenzie on it. I thought she would love it. She loved to watch it...

Even though nothing changes from year to year at the Fair we always have to do the same exact we are an old train...this car is actually part of the Long Island Railroad from back in the day. It definitely has changed a lot since then!

When I was younger I use to love to hold the baby chickens!! Kenzie loved petting them too...
Checking out the ducks...

And she seemed very excited to ride it too....
Even with Grampy walking next to her she wanted off....I guess we will try again next year!
She loved looking at all the is a pic of Grampy & Kenzie in the cow building...
Later in the day we met up with my sister and Cody. Cody is definitely one of Makenzie's biggest fans! It's so cute to see how excited he is to see her and play with her. He even picked out a stuffed animal from his room to give to Kenzie-it was so cute!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Finally a good night's sleep!
Guess who slept ALL night...
Yes, Kenzie!! It has been MONTHS since she has slept all night! I would say it's been at least 3 months since she even came close to sleeping the whole night! She has been so bad lately with sleeping that I just bought the book The Sleep Easy Solution in hopes that it would let me know what I was doing wrong! I haven't even started reading it but I guess Kenzie subconsciously felt the presence of book being here...hehe :)
And I definitely have to thank "blankie" for helping Kenzie sleep through the night...
Have I mentioned before how much Kenzie loves her blankie? Jeff's sister Kathy made it for Kenzie before she was born and Kenzie just loves it! She will point to it and say "dat" every time she sees it. Every morning she carries it around with her and if she forgets to take it out of her bed she will sit and point to it until either Jeff or I get it for her.
She gets so happy when she sees it...
The original blankie that Kathy made is very big and Kenzie has trouble carrying it places so Kathy made Kenzie a smaller blankie she can carry everywhere! Here is a picture of Kenzie trying to carry her big blankie. She loves them both equally!
She loves to roll around on the floor with blankie...
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