Saturday, September 19, 2009

Our week....

Kenzie's big accomplishment of the week: She lasted the WHOLE time in the church nursery!! Since we moved upstate in January Kenzie has not been able to go the whole time in the nursery...she would cry the instant I walked her through the doors but to my surprise #18 did NOT flash on the screen last Sunday!!

After the message I was so excited to get back to the nursery to see how the nice women who have always tried SO hard to get Kenzie to stop crying finally did it...the answer-animal crackers!! They won my little piggy-wiggy over with food! :) One of the women who volunteers in the nursery came to me after and told me that Kenzie signed "more" the whole time! What a little pig! I guess the way to Kenzie's heart is through her belly! :)

Looking cute...about ready to go to the playground!
Rub-a-Dub-Dub...Little Kenzie in a Duckie Tub!
When we moved into our new apartment we had to get Kenzie this duck tub because the bathrooms only had showers....I was so excited for Kenzie to use it since I thought it was so cute! If you squeeze the beak it even quacks! Well for the first few days Kenzie HATED her duckie tub! She would cry and cry when I would put her in it. Throughout the day she would say "duck" and walk to her bathroom and peak her head in to point at duckie. Well after about a week she finally got use to the huge pink duck in the bathroom and decided to like bath time again...
Kenzie & I have been feeling a little under the weather the past couple days...we were suppose to go downstate today for a birthday party but we had to cancel. We had a nice low key Saturday around the apartment instead!
Watching TV with Daddy before night-night

1 comment:

Emily said...

That is the biggest duck I have ever seen! It's also the cutest. Did you buy a case of animal crackers yet?ha