I am officially done nursing! Since her birthday I have been weaning Kenzie off of breast milk but I have been having a hard time at night. She was getting up at least 2x a night to nurse! I was getting so frustrated! I knew I was going back to work after Labor Day so I knew I had to do something about the sleeping situation but I also knew that we were moving soon so I didn't want to start a new sleep plan if Kenzie was just going to have to get use to a new bed
and a new room. So I was torn on what to do! One night when she woke up in the middle of the night I decided not to go in and nurse her. I wanted to see if she would go back to sleep on her own. After 1/2 hour of crying and whining she fell back to sleep! The next night I wanted to do the same thing. I thought maybe she would learn how to fall asleep on her own without having to be nursed. The second night she was up for a long hour crying and whining until she fell back to sleep. From that second night on things have changed drastically....she now sleeps every night from 7-6:30 without waking up!!! AND she stopped nursing!! I was going to continue nursing her at night before bedtime and morning for another month or so but Kenzie decided to stop! At bedtime I would get ready to nurse her and she wanted NOTHING to do with it! I thought it was just a fluke so I tried the next morning and the next 2 nights but she did not want it!!! I can't believe my baby is growing up! I miss nursing my little Kenzie but I don't think I'll miss the 2-3 night time feedings or lugging the pump to work everyday. Now that I'm back to work it seems a little strange not having to bring my pump back and forth or trying to find a time/place to pump! I am very thankful I was able to nurse her for her 1st year but I'm a little relieved to know she is completely weaned! 
She's such a big girl!
Yeah for you! I was sad for 2 weeks after I stopped nursing Emma. She still gets up in the middle of the night....she still sleeps with us.....we need help.. :)
oops. I just posted under Dan's name :0) He never actually nursed Emma, it's me Krista! :) ahahahahahah I'll have to be more careful in the future.
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