Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Fun!

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks that I have been meaning to post for awhile now....

4th of July pictures...

Last week my brother, sister-in-law and my nephew, Brayden, came to Greene for a visit! Look how cute he is!!Water table fun...

This picture is a little blurry but I love how happy she is in it!
Wonder Pets undies...
New pretty dress from Grampy...

Playing outside...
I just couldn't resist taking a picture of her cute behind....hehe

Kenzie's new water table...

I love my messy eater! On another note...Does anyone know how to stop the random spam/Chinese comments?? I get them on every post and it's reallllllly starting to get annoying!

1 comment:

Justine said...

Those are some serious curls in the undies pic. Love them!