Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hunting for Leaves!

This morning Kenzie & I hunted for leaves for our library's story time "homework".

Today's story time was centered around Fall and leaves so we had to fill a bag full of different kinds of leaves!

Kenzie had so much fun filling her bag....I absolutely love how excited she gets about the little things! :)

Our loot...
My fun quickly ended when one of the leaves she found had a tiny snail on it...Gross!

She thought it was the coolest thing ever and even told everyone at story time!

Kenzie wanted to save it for Sophie but luckily I was able to convince her to let it go back with his snail mommy and snail daddy! :)

(Had to take a picture by the pretty flowers!)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Our Day!

For lunch today we made english muffin pizza!

Yesterday as I was reading one of my favorite blogs (she blogged about english muffin pizza) I realized this was a lunch I had to try with Kenzie!

Kenzie loves helping me make breakfast and lunch but if you've been in our kitchen you know we have the smallest. kitchen. ever! So unfortunately Kenzie doesn't get to help as much as she would like...but every now and then I let her help! This might be her favorite thing to make so far....even though she loves making the very easy chocolate chip muffins too (which only consists of adding a 1/2 cup of water and stirring!)

Patiently waiting to eat her pizza.....and pretending to sleep...

Kenzie enjoyed the finish product.....we will definitely be making more english muffin pizza in the future!

After nap we took a short walk to the post office and we were caught in a huge downpour!!! When we were leaving the post office Kenzie wanted to go the longer way home...I knew it was going to rain based on the very dark clouds but I figured we would have enough time to make it home before the rain. But then again I forgot I was walking with Kenzie and her doggie...she had to stop a million times to ask doggie if he was ok, or to put him down on the side walk and to let him walk (she brought a play leash too) and then to clean him off after he was dirty from being on the sidewalk and then my favorite made us stop b/c doggie was afraid of leaves! Doggie better be happy he joined us on this walk b/c he made us get drenched!!

And FYI this isn't the dog that went for a walk with us, she dropped him as soon as we came in the door and grabbed a clean, dry dog! haha

(at least Kenzie thought it was very fun to get caught in the rain!) After dinner I had promised Kenzie to do a craft with her so we made pumpkins....I bought this little kit from Michael's for $ cute and easy! I'm not crafty what-so-ever, so it's great when fun kid crafts come all together and easy to figure out! It's been awhile since I've done a craft with Kenzie and it's crazy how much better she got at them! She's so good with the glue and she pretty much does them on her own....aww just reminder how big my baby is getting....tear!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Short Little Post :)

I don't really have much to say...just thought I'd post a few pictures...

....and share 2 cute little stories that I don't want to forget....No, they might not be funny to anyone else but they sure make me smile! :)
Story #1....Kenzie was complaining of her bottom being I told her I'll go get the cream (diaper cream)...and she gets all concerned and yells "mommy, not sour cream!" hehehe :)

Story #2...Kenzie was riding her bike on the sidewalk....she wasn't listening to me very well and was going way too fast and too far away from me...when I caught up to her I told her "Kenzie you need to put your listening ears on"....she thought about what I said without saying anything at first and then after thinking about it she goes "you just leave my ears alone!" Haha....I think the poor girl thought I was going to take her ears off and put on new ones! :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Goodbye Summer!

Since tomorrow is the first official day of Fall, I thought I would post the rest of my summer pictures that never made it to any other posts!

Future gymnast?

Look at that spilt! :)

Even though our Labor Day was VERY wet we did manage to have fun at the parade before the rain came....

(It's crazy to think 2 days later our area got hit with a huge flood!!)

Honestly, I'm over summer already....I'm ready for pumpkins, apples, Halloween, Thanksgiving, leaves, cool weather....I could go on and on...I love Fall! :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Doesn't get any cuter....

...than skinny jeans! :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Kenzie at Play

I just love watching Kenzie play!

I could just listen to her all day play with her dolls....sometimes it's crazy to realize how much she picks up from us daily b/c I can hear it through her play! I love it when she plays different rolls and changes her voice to fit the role....too cute!

I love this age!

I also love finding little treasures like this....I just couldn't help myself, I had to take a picture of it!

She explained to me these dolls were doing exercises.

I also love her drawings....

(she had to get her feet in the picture....can't help but laugh at the crazy pinky toe! :)
My favorite is when she is napping or sleeping and I see her toys set up as she was playing with them...Have you ever been driving down a road and had jeep pull up next to you with a mermaid driving and a princess being pulled in the trailer?!?!

Kenzie had also been throwing "decoration parties"! Don't know what they are?? Well, maybe Kenzie will invite you to one! Let me explain what they are.....Kenzie will take all her books off her shelves and lay them out and/or make book piles, line up her toys and stack books on her dresser!

Here is the party planner at work, getting her party ready!

(we weren't allowed to look in before she was ready...but as I walked by her room a few times I saw her walking back and forth over and over placing all her books and toys on the floor)

She was so excited to show us the party!

She yelled "surprised"....and to be honest I wasn't quite sure how to act at a "decoration party" so I just "oohed & awwed" a lot and admired all her decorations (just so in case you're ever invited to a decoration party you will know how to act!)

Oh yea, and blankie always has to be on her toy box like this...

And I'll leave you with some cute pictures of Kenzie playing outside...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cole Park

I'm sad summer is over...but we did squeeze in a couple trips to Cole Park in the last couple weeks of summer!

This pictures cracks me up...

Until next summer Cole Park.....