I don't really have much to say...just thought I'd post a few pictures...

....and share 2 cute little stories that I don't want to forget....No, they might not be funny to anyone else but they sure make me smile! :)

Story #1....
Kenzie was complaining of her bottom being sore....so I told her I'll go get the cream (diaper cream)...and she gets all concerned and yells "mommy, not sour cream!"
hehehe :)

Story #2...
Kenzie was riding her bike on the sidewalk....she wasn't listening to me very well and was going way too fast and too far away from me...when I caught up to her I told her "
Kenzie you need to put your listening ears on"....she thought about what I said without saying anything at first and then after thinking about it she goes "you just leave my ears alone!"
Haha....I think the poor girl thought I was going to take her ears off and put on new ones! :)
hahaha.....kids can be so literal:) Great pics!
Sorry I have been without a computer. Love the blog was laughing hysterical about the ears and Drake just looks at me like I have two heads. Love all the pics. She is just too cute can't wait to see her again!!!
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