For lunch today we made english muffin pizza!
Yesterday as I was reading one of my favorite blogs (she blogged about english muffin pizza) I realized this was a lunch I had to try with Kenzie!
Kenzie loves helping me make breakfast and lunch but if you've been in our kitchen you know we have the smallest. kitchen. ever! So unfortunately Kenzie doesn't get to help as much as she would like...but every now and then I let her help! This might be her favorite thing to make so far....even though she loves making the very easy chocolate chip muffins too (which only consists of adding a 1/2 cup of water and stirring!)
After nap we took a short walk to the post office and we were caught in a huge downpour!!! When we were leaving the post office Kenzie wanted to go the longer way home...I knew it was going to rain based on the very dark clouds but I figured we would have enough time to make it home before the rain. But then again I forgot I was walking with Kenzie and her doggie...she had to stop a million times to ask doggie if he was ok, or to put him down on the side walk and to let him walk (she brought a play leash too) and then to clean him off after he was dirty from being on the sidewalk and then my favorite made us stop b/c doggie was afraid of leaves! Doggie better be happy he joined us on this walk b/c he made us get drenched!!
And FYI this isn't the dog that went for a walk with us, she dropped him as soon as we came in the door and grabbed a clean, dry dog! haha
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