I love Christmas Eve!
I actually think the week before Christmas is my favorite week of the whole year!
Everyone is happy (well I'm sure there are a few "bah humbugs" out there! hehe).
The kids are excited which makes me very excited!
Usually I don't work a lot right before breaks but this year I subbed a couple days and I just love working at a school this time of year.....definitely beats retail! The kids might be crazy but it's such a good kind of crazy! :)
Anyway, back to Christmas Eve. Jeff worked all day :(....so Kenzie & I wrapped some gifts, made cookies for Santa & watched Christmas shows until it was time to go to my sister's house for an amazing meal made by my brother-in-law's parents! So yummy! We stayed there until it was time to go home to get ready for candle light service....another reason I love Christmas Eve!
Before we headed to church I wanted to stop by to see Jeff at work so I was in a hurry trying to get a picture of Kenzie....so I just took a bunch of pics hoping at least one of them was good! :) I had to laugh when I saw some of them later on....

The only down side of Christmas Eve service is that you have to take the little ones in with you....Kenzie wasn't horrible but she could have been a lot better! :)
After church we went back to my sister's house for chocolate chip pie and then back home to see if Santa had left pj's for Kenzie while we were out! :)
And he did.....

Kenzie loved her new night gown....I think Santa knew she would! :)
Before bed we left some cookies and carrots for Santa and the reindeer....

I tried getting a picture of Kenzie holding her stocking but she wasn't being a good sport! :)
But to her defense it was the night before Christmas what little kid wouldn't make a face like this when mommy's trying to get a real picture....

Santa came!!