We had a relaxing weekend! Well for me....Jeff worked all day Sat & Sun.
On Saturday Kenzie and I went grocery shopping and stopped at Sonic first for lunch!
Although we go to Sonic often we rarely eat at the car hop so Kenzie thought she was very cool sitting up front with me! :)
We actually took these pictures to send to Jeff b/c ever since we bought our car he has been very ridged with food & drinks in our car! :) I made sure I texted him these pictures and especially the one with Kenzie eating a messy cheeseburger...with ketchup, mustard & pickles! :)
Usually I'm the more uptight one...but not when it comes to this!! hehe Love you! :)

She carried this ribbon around with her for most of the day too...not sure why!
She would cover her eyes and she'd want me to surprise her with a present....Every time I would just grab a toy nearby and every time she was disappointed! Haha...not sure what she was expecting! :)

Playing with her princesses and her train...such a girl! :)
On Sunday we brought Abbie home with us after church!
I tried to get a picture of them lookin' pretty but this was the best I could get....
They both were yelling "cheese" in this one....it started out soft and quiet but they both were trying to yell over one another so it got quite loud! :)
Later we made our gingerbread house! :)

She would cover her eyes and she'd want me to surprise her with a present....Every time I would just grab a toy nearby and every time she was disappointed! Haha...not sure what she was expecting! :)
I tried to get a picture of them lookin' pretty but this was the best I could get....
On this night Jeff was heading to bed and peaked in to check on Kenzie and she was off her bed sitting up against her bed sleeping!! Haha...he woke me up to see but by then she had moved! Otherwise I'd have a funny pic!
Last week I subbed in a 1st grade classroom and got some cute Christmas craft ideas to do with Kenzie....so today we made reindeer!

The one on the left is Clarice and on the right is Rudolph!
She made Clarice's bow all by herself.
Their head is made out of Kenzie's foot (now that's a sentence I thought I'd never say! haha).
I kinda think Rudolph looks like a turkey and Clarice looks like a blob w/a purple nose...but Kenzie enjoyed making them! :)

Love the sweater dress, pics from Sonic(I must try this place...any vegetarian items on the menu:)gingerbread house making, and I can't believe how big the girls look! You are a fun Aunt! Can't wait to see you all!!!
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