Merry Christmas!!
We had a great day! I can't believe Christmas has come and gone already!
Kenzie woke us up on Christmas morning by coming into our bed (nothing out of the ordinary). It was only a little after 6 or so and Jeff & I weren't sure if she remembered it's Christmas morning! I said "Merry Christmas Kennie" and she goes "Merry Christmas Mommy, now go to sleep!" Hahaha....not quite the reaction I was expecting! this point I think Jeff & I were too excited to go back to sleep so we asked her if she thinks Santa came. I think she might still be a little confused by Santa b/c she goes "no I didn't see him".
We encouraged her to go look under the tree....

Her expression was priceless when she came into the room!! We have it on's the cutest thing! The first thing she did was go to her new mini zebra pillow pet and said "mommy Santa knows I like animals!" Then she ran back to get her old pillow pet so they could meet! :)

I told her to go through her stocking she takes it and tips it up side down to dump it out! Hehe....luckily not everything came out at once so we could watch her go through it! :) Her favorites from stocking: My Little Pony & silly putty (since Christmas silly putty has been put up on a high shelf...did you know that it stains?? Neither did I until I found it stuck on her pjs like gum and it left a nice pretty little brown stain!)

Doesn't it look like I straightened her hair?!?!

She was so cute to watch unwrap presents...she got excited about everything (except for a Dora puzzle which she stated she wanted the Princess one! She got over it quickly and now loves it! :)

After presents we got ready for church!
At church they had a big birthday party for Jesus! :)
We would ask Kenzie who's birthday is on Christmas she would say "Jesus....and pups!"
Pups shares a very special birthday! :)

After church we came home for a little bit and my mom came over before she drove up to Syracuse. A little later we headed over to my sister's house for dinner, presents
and playing (kids)...

We hope everyone had a great CHRISTmas! :)
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