Saturday, September 28, 2013

11 months old!

On the 19th little miss Jo turned 11 months!
One more month until the big 1!!! 
 I can't believe it!  
I wish time would just slow down a tiny bit!
Although it's exhausting, I do love this age! :)

Here is JoJo at 11 months....
 *Walking!!!  Every day she is getting better and better! :) 
 *Getting into EVERYTHING!  I seriously can't leave her for a minute without her getting in to things that she knows she shouldn't be getting in to!!
 *Size 3 diaper (although we will probably be starting 4's soon)

*Mostly size 12 month clothes
 *Getting up 4-5 times a night.  I have no words for this....I have just accepted that I may never sleep again.  
 *Gets so excited when she sissy gets off the bus! :)
 *Gives the best kisses!!
 *Loves Baby Einstein dvds
 *Loves swinging, going for walks, riding in the buggy, and baths!
 *Has tried some new food: mango (loved it when we sampled it in the store, but didn't like it at home), waffles w/out syrup, bananas, mac & cheese, mashed's hard to tell what she likes.  Most of it ends up on the floor or in her hair!
 *Had her first ear infection this past week :(  Poor girl was in so much pain. 
 *Takes 2 naps.  The first one around 9:30 and the second one around 3:30.  

I really can't believe my next monthly post will be her 12 month post!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Happy 11 Months! She is such a cutie! Hopefully there is sleep in your future!