Josie definitely keeps us on our toes!
Comparing Makenzie and Josie at this age is like night & day.
Looking back I realize how easy and mellow Makenzie was...
Kenzie definitely had her moments but for the most part she stayed with me, rarely ran away from me when we were out & about. I didn't have to chase her around all that much.
She was pretty easy.
Josie is a little different...
If I take Josie out somewhere and put her down she will almost immediately run away from me.
She doesn't care who is around or how many people, she will weave in and out of any crowd!
She loves people and will wave and "talk" to almost anyone!
And almost everyone she meets comments on her personality!
At morning program the minute I put her down her little legs are on the move until the classes come in!
Almost every time she tries to escape and run out in the hallway.
And if I don't have a good grip on her when the kids start coming in she will run to the kids and grab anyone she can get a hold of! hehe :)
This morning I was looking through my phone and I was laughing at all the pictures I had of Josie either climbing on something or just being silly...
*Hiding from me in a cubby at story time
*I caught her escaping from her crib!
*I was getting a clean diaper and wipes ready for her on the changing table and I came back to find her ready for the diaper change on our table...
*front row seat to some Baby Genius
*Just chillin on her high chair
*Jo's mad face
*Josie the gypsy....she had to wear her jewelry like this on our walk! :)
*Just being Jo
*As I was getting a new sheet Jo took her tractor and decided to ride on Kenize's bed :)
She's our little wild child...
and we just love her to pieces!
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