Saturday, March 10, 2012


Got her ears pierced! :)

Yes, my baby is one step closer to being a big girl...she decided to get her ears pierced today!

I'm not going to lie...part of me was a teeny, tiny bit sad that she's even more grown up now!

We actually went to the mall for "Farm Days" where they have farm animals and farm/animal crafts set up throughout the mall but came home with new Hello Kitty bling bling in Kennie's ears! :)

Funny story...a couple weeks ago I casually asked Kenzie in the morning if she wanted to get her ears pierced (expecting an absolute no!) but to my surprise she said YES! She kept on mentioning it throughout the morning and afternoon but I still thought she'd "chicken out" once we actually went to the mall so I didn't really take her seriously. We went to visit Jeff at work and out to lunch (complete opposite direction from the mall) and she still kept asking. So we waited for Jeff to come home and piled back in the car to go to the mall (I think I might have asked her a million times if she really wants to get them pierced...I really didn't want to drive to the mall for no reason!) She was so confident, I was almost convinced she was going to go through with it! Well....she was going to go through with it until we walked into the store...then she clung on to me with a death grip like none other! And she said...not now mommy another day! haha Jeff & I had to laugh! :)

Which brings us to today....we were about to leave the mall when she asked if she could get her ears pierced...thinking back to last time I just knew it wasn't going to happen but I thought I'd go to Claire's just to see what happens. She was talking about the Hello Kitty earrings she wanted (that she saw last time) and she walked right in the store and started to climb up the chair! WOW what a change from last time! At first she wouldn't let the girl clean her ears or make a dot with a marker (I had to pretend I did it) but when it came time for the big guns she was brave! :) She only cried for a minute at the most....a lolly pop and a prize from Claire's helped! :)

She was sooo happy afterward....she even was singing "I got my ears pierced, I got my ears pierced" as we walked out....I love my little corny girl! :)