Thursday, January 31, 2013

January Wrap Up

Goodbye January!
One month closer to Spring! :)  
January flew by...I can't believe we are already a week into February! 
Here are some pictures of the last couple weeks in January....

Josie has started to enjoy her activity mat...
 *picture crasher*

She still does not enjoy tummy time! 
 Tried on a cute hat...but she wasn't a fan... I tried on a pretty bow....but I don't think she liked that either!
What a grump!
 Josie's curly fluff after bath....

 She might look like a 4 year old but she has the sass of a 14 year old...
so Jeff thought this shirt was perfect for her! 

 A couple weeks ago Justine & Tatiana come over for a visit...
Makenzie had to changer her outfit to match Tati!
She even made me do her hair the same way...
Tati learned about Martin Luther King at school and wanted to bake him a cake so Justine brought over cake for the girls.  
Kenzie had no idea who MLK was but she enjoyed the cake anyway! hehe :)
My little redhead....

Riding on a horse...or daddy....
The other night after putting Kennie to bed I went in the living room to see her horses lined up this way....
she's too cute! :)


Bumbo's are fun when you are 3 months....
....or 4 years!  

Big sister sits in it all the time...
 but little sister doesn't mind sharing! :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January So Far {in pictures}

Here are some pictures of pure cuteness...

I put Josie on my bed while I was cleaning up in my room and Kenzie snuggled close to her...too cute!  
Lately, there has been some jealousy issues and Kenzie has said she wishes Josie was never born, but I know she loves baby sister! :)
Kenzie's horse...

The Soto, dad and Kenzie have crowns and Josie has a bow! :)
The other night I walked into Kenzie's room and was quite surprised to see her sleeping like this...
I just love 4 year old silliness! :)

Playing with her pets....

Such a happy baby!!
Look at her REDDISH hair..

Kenzie wanted me to take this picture of her teeth covered in brownies....
I think she looks like she's missing all her teeth except for one front tooth!
This babe started to take baths without her little bath hammock...
She's so big! :)
(I laugh when I look at this picture...where is her neck!?!)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

3 months

Yesterday Josie turned 3 months old!  
A quarter of her first year is already over!!
I have noticed that the second time around I can truly enjoy each baby stage....not that I didn't enjoy Kenzie at each stage but I was always looking forward to her next stage, her next milestone.  
Now I know how fast babies grow and I can love each month.....
and I'm loving 3 months! :)

Josie @ 3 months...
 *Smiles a lot! :)

*Giggled for the first time last week (1/12/13).  It was more of a grunt but still so cute! :)  
*Nurses every 3 hours
 *Wears 0-3 month clothes, however some one piece outfits are getting short!

*Wears size 1 diaper although they might be getting a bit snug.
 *Still gets up once or twice during the night to nurse.  

*She will go to sleep between 6-7 and usually wake up between 630-730 in the morning (with a couple of nursing sessions in between) 
*As you can see by these pictures, she loves her hands! :)  
 *Loves her swing & bouncy seat
*Sat in the Bumbo seat for the first time the other day...she liked it for a few minutes and then was over it! 
 *Not a big fan of tummy time

*Her hair is getting lighter... especially after I wash it!  Her roots are so light...and even have a reddish tint!
 *Not a fan of the bottle anymore!  My mom watched her while I worked the other day and she refused the bottle for 8 hours!  Finally, she gave in and drank 4 ounces!  :)  

*Eye color is still undecided...but I'm still thinking brown like sissy! :)
 *Still sleeps in her swaddle...although somehow she's been able to get her hand out and I can hear her sucking on her hand in the middle of the night! :)
 *Sleeps in the rock-and-play every night
We love you little one!!  You are such a good, happy baby!  Can't wait to watch you grow some more! :)