Thursday, February 28, 2013

This & That

Just some random pictures from Febuary...

The other day Makenzie made Josie this pretty little crown...
she loves her baby sister! :) 
Little miss smiley....

Look at those chubby cheeks!  Don't you just want to squeeze them!?! 
Makenzie loves to make Josie smile....and Josie loves to stare at Kenzie!  

A couple weekends ago we went to a friends wedding!
Makenzie came along and had a great time.....

Again....look at those cheeks!! :)  

Makenzie thought it was so funny that Josie refused to look at the camera.....

So close to rolling over....

Monday, February 25, 2013

4 Month Stats

 Last week Josie had her 4 month well visit! 
Everything went well....she's continuing to grow! :) 

Weight: 13.13 lbs (55 percentile)
Length: 24.5 inches (55 percentile)

At 4 months Makenzie was an ounce less and 1/2 inch longer!  So they are very similar in size!

Here are some pictures from after her doctor appointment...she was surprisingly happy considering she had 3 shots! :)

 *sucking her thumb!*

4 Months Old

On the 19th Josie turned 4 months!  
She's so cute....we just love her to pieces! 
Everyday she is getting more and more fun! :)

Josie at 4 months...
*smiles all the time (except for these pictures!)   

*likes the Bumbo chair, bouncy seat and swing!  And I just ordered (Josie's Christmas present from my mom) a jumperoo...I think she will like that too! 
*size 2 diaper

*mostly size 3-6 month clothes
*she's a hard one to make laugh...the other day (2/18) I was shaking my head (rather violently-it was giving me a headache!) but she was giggling! :)  Too cute..this was the first time she actually let out a real giggle (and not from being tickled).  Most of her little giggles are more like grunts.  

*Close to rolling over!  
Over the weekend she rolled over from belly to back, but not the other way around
*red hair!!  :)  I hope it stays red...or at least reddish!  

*I finally can see an eye color...brown like sissy! :)
*Just starting to reach for toys and will try to put them in her mouth 

*Still is a little stinker when it comes to the bottle!  She gives my mom such a hard time while I'm at work!  Sometimes she'll go hours before she gives in and drinks from a bottle...stubborn baby girl! :)
*Has yet to sleep through the night!  
In fact in the past 2 weeks her sleeping schedule (or lack there of!) has been horrible!  Up until this point she has slept in her Rock 'n Play, but I wanted to switch her back over to the bassinet (thinking it will make the switch to a crib easier later on) after the switch she has been a horrible sleeper!  For example, last night she went to sleep around 7 was up 5 or 6 times before midnight!!!  And then after that she got up 2x to nurse and then was up for good around 7am!  
Tonight, I caved in and put her back in her Rock 'n Play...let's hope this works!  
*very good in the car!  

*also known as Jo or Joey around our house

*Sucks on her thumb!  It's so cute to watch her!  :) 
Don't you just love her ponytail!?!?
Ahhh...I could just eat her up! :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!  
Jeff & I both worked on V-day so we only saw each other for an hour or so in the morning!
I worked early and then he worked 'til late!  
I did come home to a rose & some yummy chocolate though! :)  

Our 2 cute little Valentine's...
I bought Josie's pj's from Walmart last year while I was pregnant for $1!  When I bought them I didn't even realize they were "Valentine-ish" and I bought Kenzie's last summer on clearance from Carter's for $5!  
Kenzie was so excited for new V-Day pjs for herself & sissy!  

 I was pretty bummed that I had to miss Kennie's party at her school...
but luckly, Jeff was able to go into work later so he could go!
Kennie promised me that she would let Jeff take a picture 
(last time she was embarrased when I snapped a pic!) 
She was so excited for her party!  
She picked out Barbie cards for her friends :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Superbowl Weekend

 I'm a little behind in blogging!  
A few weekends ago we drove down to NJ/Queens for the weekend for Superbowl.  
Jeff's friends in Queens always throw a fun party for the big game...I was a little hesitant at first, bringing Josie, but she was great!  At first Makenzie did not want to go...she wanted to stay with Jeff's family in NJ but once she was there she had so much fun!  In fact, I barely saw her the entire time!  There were 15 other kids (including babies) so she had a great time!!  

I didn't get any pictures of the party but I took some pictures while we were at Jeff's family's house! 

Makenzie & Drake had so much fun playing together....

 Drake loved to play rough with Uncle Jeff! :)

 Makenzie was a happy camper...she unwrapped her Christmas gifts and received her some of her favorite things: unicorn, horses & barbies! :)  

 Jeff's cousin & her family drove out from Staten Island to visit us and to meet baby Jo! :)  
 Aidan & Makenzie...Aidan is only 3!  
Look at the height difference! :)

 Abuelo always likes to take pictures with the kids! :)
 He loved Kennie's braids....

Relaxing on the vibrating pillow...