Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Poo Poo & Pictures! :)

Today I came home from work to a very sweet surprise...
Kenzie went poopoo in potty for the 1st time!! She hasn't even went pee pee in the potty yet!
I was so excited! So was my mom-she called me at work with the news! hehe :)
We haven't even started potty training her...I was going back and forth with when to actually start. We already have a potty for her but we haven't put it out yet. Every night before her bath I sit her on the big potty to see if anything happens....and nothing happens! I asked her tonight if she wanted to go potty and ran away from me and hid next to our I'm still little convinced she's not quite ready to actually start training! haha!
I realized the other day I haven't done a post with random things Kenzie's saying or doing....
Since I don't scrapbook or write these things down I definitely need to stay on top of these things on the blog....
*Kenzie loves stickers! On this particular day she stuck them in her hair first but then decided to stick them all over her face and then on Mommy's face a few minutes after that...
*Makenzie is definitely becoming a much better eater! A couple months ago we started giving her a lot more dairy so that has given us a lot more food to offer her. We tried giving her regular milk but after she tried a sip she shook her head no and gave it back to me. So she's still drinking Soy. Her favorites are: hot dog, cheese sticks, yogurt, toast, and anything sweet!
*Kenzie has just started loving Elmo! She will point to the computer and ask for Elmo over and over again until we put Elmo on Youtube! I think right now she would pick Elmo over Barney!!
*Loves chapstick! I caught her putting chapstick on her doggie the other day! So cute!
*Has a new obsession with Aunt NeeNee! She has a picture of Aunt NeeNee and over the weekend she carried it everywhere....she even had to take it to bed!

*When I'm out and about with Kenzie she will point to men and yell "Da Da"-which is very awkward for me! Some of the men resemble Jeff but most don't! 2 of her recent "Da Da" moments were with a man with dreadlocks & a teenage boy! haha neither one looked like Jeff!
*Everyday it seems like she's saying something new....her most recent words: no-no (while shaking her finger) coffee, thank you, baush (which Jeff & I have no idea what it means but she says it all the time! we can not figure it out-sometimes she will point to the computer and say it other times out the window), love you, Scott, Emily, outside, night night, mouse, chicken, hot dog, breakfast (one of my favorite), bunny, neigh (for horse), Sophie, Titi (Jeff's sister)....
*Dogs continue to be her favorite animals....followed by cats! On this particular day I had to force Kenzie into her highchair without her doggies. I set doggies on the table next to her and told her she could have them when she was done eating. I left for a moment and came back to see that she stuffed her doggies in the highchair with her! hehe
*Loves she is playing in the rain with her rain coat...we just need to get her some rain boots now!
*Likes to point out dog poo outside during walks...and will repeat it over and over again!
*Thinks every dog is Mazie (my mom's 100 lb Rottweiler! It doesn't matter if it's a small dog or big dog-they are all Mazie!)
*Loves to walk a few houses down to see 2 big blow up Easter Bunnies!
*Says "up" for up and down. When we are carrying her and she's trying to get down she'll scream "up"...Jeff & I love it!
*Continues to be extremely loud in the library!
*Once again not a fan of the bath-not sure why it changes from week to week? Lately I've had to bathe her standing up while hysterically crying!
*Loved to look at the Easter Bunny at the mall and wave & throw kisses but REFUSED to get within a couple feet of him....oh well...there's always next year for a cute picture!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


On Sunday Kenzie & I went to Syracuse for the day! Grampy had to go up anyway so we decided to tag along to see Uncle Scott, Aunt Emily & puppy dog Mika!
This was also the first time seeing their house since they bought it and started a huge home makeover! Everything looks great! I saw little Brayden's nursery, which is absolutely adorable! It makes me very excited to meet the little guy! :) Only a couple more months! And speaking of babies...Jeff's sister's due date is less than 3 weeks!! I can't wait to meet the new little boys of the family!
We met up with Uncle S and Aunt E at Eddies to have some of their famous fish! It was just as yummy as last year! Knowing that Eddies is open for the season definitely gets me ready for Spring/Summer! :)
Waiting outside Eddies....
The whole ride back home Kenzie called out for "Scott"...
Aunt Emily, Kenzie & Uncle Scott
It was so wonderful to see our 1st daughter!
We miss her so much, Jeff was so bummed he didn't get to see her!
It was great to see how loved she is in her new home with her new mommy & daddy! hehe :)
When Kenzie finds out that Mika use to be her sister she's not going so happy with us!
She loved spending time with wild Mika!

When we got home I took Kenzie for a quick walk and she had to pick up every pine cone she saw! I convinced her to only bring in 2!
She carried them around until bed time with her blankie and basket....

Thursday, March 18, 2010


19 months is so much fun!
I really could just watch Kenzie play all day!
I love when she knows mommy & daddy are watching and puts on a silly show for us!
On this particular day our little clown was being so silly...
I couldn't help myself from taking too many pictures!

If it was up to Kenzie she would wear this sweater (and her doggie t-shirt) everyday...
I love how she's starting to have a little fashion style! :)
Today at dinner Kenzie had her first taste of sour cream...
and by the looks of it...
I think she likes it!
I'm not too sure why she decide to paint her face with sour cream....
maybe trying to moisturize?!?

1st Peep!
All clean and ready for bed...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day 2010

The sweater Kenzie is wearing in these pics is from Ireland!
My brother and sister-in-law bought one for Kenzie and one for Abbie when they traveled to Ireland last July!
How cute does she look in it?!?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ready for Easter

Just 3 weeks early!
Kenzie had to carry her Easter basket all day today.
She would stuff her blankie in the basket and carry it around like a purse.
I can't wait until she wakes up and finds her basket full of goodies from the Easter Bunny!
And speaking of the Easter Bunny, I do not think we'll be visiting the big bunny this year. While I would like a picture, I remember her encounters with Santa a few months ago and it's nothing I would like to repeat!
Wouldn't even put it down for night night...

Monday, March 8, 2010


Spring? Is that you?!? We hope so!!
We have been lovin this warmer weather here in NY! It's kinda sad when 40 degrees is considered warm, right? Maybe it's not in the 60s or 70s but we'll take anything above 35 degrees and some sun! :) Over the weekend we took some walks....saw some birds, dogs and cats! Kenzie loves animals these days....especially dogs!
Modeling her new doggie shirt....she actually cried when I took it off to give her a bath! It was so sweet...she cried real tears for her little doggie shirt...aww I love her!

Sunday's walk....sportin her new shades! Dollar special at Target....why can't adult shades be that cheap and that stylish?!?

My glasses are definitely not nearly as cool as hers! :)
Kenzie hiding from the blow up leprechaun...she wasn't a fan!
Today's walk....waiting outside for Daddy....

"Mommy...I hear barking..."
A DOG!! No way...what are the chances that we see a dog outside! hehe...I love that I got her reaction on camera!! :)

Kenzie's new kitty friend...
This cat actually came down from her porch to see Kenzie!! It was so cute...
I'm not sure if you can tell by the picture but this cat was huge!! Maybe he/she is still carrying some extra holiday/Winter weight?!? Hehe
The only way to get Kenzie to leave the kitty was showing her this pine cone!

At the end of the walk Kenzie even got to be kissed on the mouth by a doggie! Not just once or twice but 3 times!! EWW...Kenzie loved it (maybe a little too much) Mommy & Daddy not so much! :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010