Monday, August 19, 2013

10 months!

10 months old!
Double digits! 
2 months until the big birthday...
no way!  

Here is what Miss. Thang is doing at 10 months old....
 *Does not wear headbands sad!  This was the age Makenzie stopped as well.  Jo ripped this cute flower off 2 seconds after I put it on!
*Claps, splashes in the bath, and gives kisses!
Her kisses are the cutest!!  I could ask for her kisses long if she would let me! :)  Her kiss consists of her leaning in a sticking out her tongue!  Messy but oh so precious!
 *Crawling everywhere!  She will follow me from room to room.  So cute when I hear the loud thuds of her crawl as she gets closer and closer!
*2 bottom teeth and 1 top tooth coming through!  And the 4th is coming soon too....I can see the gum breaking but no tooth yet.  
 *Not a fan of her Jumperoo anymore....she wants to be down getting into trouble! :)

*Loves her purple blankie.  She will snuggle her face in it and roll around on the floor with it.  Just like sissy use to with her blankie at this age!
*Loves her veggies still!  But has tried a few new foods in the past couple weeks.  Besides her veggies she also enjoys baby cereal (oatmeal and rice), cheerios and bread. 
*Stood up completely on her own (she did it today 8/26) without holding on to anything!
*size 3 diaper.  Size 9 month and 12 month clothes.

*still wakes up all through the night to nurse...

Happy 10 months Jojo!!  :)  

1 comment:

Emily said...

Happy 10 Months Josie!!