Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day

Even though Memorial Day weekend was pretty chilly compared to the years past, we still had a good time welcoming in the summer!

We started the day at the parade of course! 

 Josie's first parade! :)

 After the parade we bought some bbq chicken, Jeff went to work and Makenzie and I played outside as baby sis slept!   

The day before Justine and Tati came over to visit.  We played, ate Chinese, went for ice cream, rode bikes, had a bbq...a lot of food was consumed! :)  It was a good day!

Poor Josie was cutting 2 bottom teeth and she was miserable! Kenzie wasn't bad at all when she was teething, but this poor girl was in pain!  She cried and cried all. day. long.  It didn't matter if I was holding her, if we were outside, if she was watching Baby Einstein...she just cried!  
The next day was a little better, and then on Tuesday (5/28) both bottom teeth popped through...and she seemed so much better!  
I hope it's not this bad when she cuts her top teeth!

{Kenzie was annoyed that I took this picture, hence the face!}

1 comment:

Emily said...

Abbie and Kenz are too adorable in those jean jackets:) Love the pics!!