Friday, June 25, 2010

Lake & some other pics.....

On Monday Jeff and I took the girls to a nearby lake! They all had so much fun! It's so much fun to watch Kenzie run in and out of the water and roll in the sand. We went back yesterday for a few hours before Jeff had to work....I could just watch her play all day!

Jumping in her "pool" (aka a hole in the sand)

Making a tunnel...
Kenzie trying to crush the tunnel...Ella wasn't too happy!
3 beach beauties! We missed you Abbie! :)

Morning hair....
I might have used 1/2 of the bottle of detangler to get through this mess! :)
Random picture but I think her eyes look pretty!
There are some outfits that make Kenzie look like an overgrown baby....usually they are one piece outfits. I just love them! Anything that can make her look like a baby a little longer...

Jeff called her "mommy long legs"
Yesterday I was cleaning her room and Kenzie showed me out she can climb on her changing table by herself!


Justine said...

Looks like fun! We'll have to make a trip to one of the Lakes t/g this summer...I'll add it to the long list of must do summer outings:) I'm planning a spa day and a girls night out for my birthday next week...let me know if /when your available to do either so we could celebrate our b-days t/g:) It's been too long again I am going through Keekee withdrawal!

Emily said...

How fun! We can't wait to see all of you this weekend! Oh and I love the messy hair...Kenz is too cute. Happy Bday Mama!