Sunday, September 26, 2010

Frog Pond

Today Kenzie and I met up with Justine & Tati for lunch then we headed to Frog Pond!
We all had so much fun! I think Kenzie and Tati would have fed the goats and played in the big corn bin all day if we let them! Just like yesterday (at the Applefest) we went to Frog Pond last year but this year at 2 was so much more fun! Kenzie has definitely hit the terrible 2s but when she's not screaming, hitting, biting, spitting or kicking she is SO much fun! :) I love watching her get excited about such simple things! She ran from animal to animal saying hi & bye to each one and on the way home she said "bye farm....see you soon".

She LOVED the goats until they ate her shirt...this girl does not have good luck with goats!
Hahaha...but she was over it within a few minutes and was all about them again!
This was her scared look after they "attacked" her...
Kenzie was so excited to see Tati....
If Tati wondered out of Kenzie's sight she would ask me "Where Tati go?"
In the car she was close to crying when I told her we were not going to Tati's house today.
So happy they get along....not sure what Justine & I would do if they didn't!?! :)
Kenzie could not understand why the moo moo cow was not coming to her when she clearly told him to "come here"! She was trying to feed all the animals hay.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Great pics and great fun! You would never know she was a city girl:)