Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Lights

The week started off a little rough for Kenzie...on Sunday she was complaining of her fanny hurting but I just blew it off. I did notice a red bump on her bottom but I just thought it was nothing...Kenzie asked for cream on her bottom so I put some on and that was that. By Tuesday, the bump was getting bigger and Kenzie was complaining more and more about it. On Wednesday, while I was working Jeff took her in to the pediatrician just to check it out. The doctor told Jeff the bump was an abscess and she had a staph infection! Kenzie was then sent to a surgical clinic to drain the abscess. The next part is gross....just a warning! At the clinic Kenzie was laying down on her belly, and the nurse went to numb the area and must have pressed on the fanny and the abscess exploded! Even Jeff said it was gross and he does not get grossed out easily! The doctor then had to make an "x" shaped incision on the abscess to drain any extra "stuff". At first I felt horrible that I was not there but the more I hear about it I'm actually quite happy daddy was there! :) Kenzie is feeling better now...she went back this morning and everything looks good according to the doctor...but to me it still looks horrible! The poor girl has an open wound on her little bottom! She can't take a bath for a lets hope by Christmas Eve it will heal enough to bathe our dirty little toddler! :)
So anyway I want to do something fun tonight so we took Kenzie around the village to look for Christmas lights! It was very cold so we bundled up! After Kenzie watched me put on my scarf she asked for one for herself. I think Santa already made her a scarf (or maybe bought it from a craft fair?!?) but she'll have to wait until Christmas for her own...she was happy wearing one of mommy's!

We were walking back home when we stumbled upon SANTA! I totally forgot Santa has a little "cottage" right here in town! It was so funny to see Santa just sitting there and it was perfect for our little walk! Kenzie didn't want anything to do with him though. When we asked Kenzie to get out of her buggy so we can get a picture she told us "no, I have to go potty". I didn't want a wet mess so we just convinced her to get a candy cane from Santa and then we were on our way!

I can't believe Christmas is one week away!!!!!! I love this season so much that I'm already sad that it's going by so quickly!

1 comment:

Emily said...

OMG! Poor honey! Glad she is feeling better! If she can't take a shower by the time we get there to celebrate the holidays just have her put on some patchouli oil (a trick I learned in my "hippie days" in college) and no one will notice the difference....she may have some dreadies started by then though! (Don't worry I have put them in hair and taken them out:) LOVE YOU KENZ! Can't wait to see you all!