Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our Sunday

Yesterday at church the 2 & 3 year old class performed a few songs!! It might have been the cutest thing ever! We found out last week they were going to sing and I have been so excited! Yea maybe most of the kids didn't know what was going on but what is cuter than a group of 2 & 3 year olds "singing"?? :)
After church Justine and Tati came over for lunch! Kenzie was so excited to see Tatiana! It took her a good 30-45 minutes or so to settle down and to stop showing off! :) Kenzie was so excited to give Tati her Christmas present...and....Kenzie was very excited for her own presents too! :)
I wanted to get the girls together for a picture but Kenzie missed her nap and so after a couple of hours of playing.....
She passed out and took a little power nap on the floor!
She sure knows how to host a play date! :)


Justine said...

Haha...she literally did go from wild to passed out!

Emily said...

So fun! She is such a star...and Abbie too! P.S. Love the leopard undies! You go Kenz!