Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Celebrating Christmas a little early...

On Saturday Jeff's younger sister, Nataly and his mom came up from NJ to celebrate Christmas! Unfortunately Jeff's other sister, Kathy was unable to make the trip (poor girl is still suffering from bad morning sickness at 6 months!!). Jeff & I were very excited to see them and for them to see Kenzie since they have not seen her since August! They were only able to stay 1 night but we all had a good time! We were going to wait until Sunday morning to unwrap gifts when Kenzie would be a little less tired and grouchy but once Kenzie saw new toys she suddenly wasn't so grumpy anymore! She even signed "more" after unwrapping the 1st present....lol....at least she'll know what to do on Christmas morning!

Playing with Titi Nataly
Playing with her new toys...

Right before I took this picture she was playing with her new pretend food, but as soon as I got my camera and told her to look at Mommy she threw her food and started throwing a little fit! I guess she over taking pictures!

And I will leave you with these 2 pictures....our little sweetheart throwing a huge tantrum b/c I would not give her another Christmas cookie! Tis the season! :)


ji said...

Very cute!!! Why didn't you just give her another cookie?? Can you blame her...we probably would of done the same thing!

Justine said...

Hehe...I'm a mean mommy too, I def fight the dessert battle:)

Emily said...

HA! Just give her the cookie! Love the leg warmers

Jodee said...

I love the monkey PJs and tantrum pictures!

We are celebrating Christmas early too -- this weekend with the hub's family.

Enjoy the rest of your week!