Saturday, November 3, 2012

Josie's 1st Week

Josie's first week went pretty smooth!   
She nurses, poops, sleeps, nurses, poops and sleeps some more!  
I forgot how many times newborns poop! haha....I already went through a box and a bag of newborn diapers...and I thought I'd be set for at least a month!  
She's almost back to her birth weight.  Last time we went to the doctor she was up to 6 lbs 9 oz.  

She's just as sweet as can be!

Kenzie is in love with baby sister!  
I can't tell you how many times a day I have to tell her to leave Josie alone!  :) 
She's always kissing her, playing with her hair, making her smile (according to Kenzie), and putting toys in her bassinet for her to "play" with!  
It's cute but a little draining at the same time...I have to tell her many times a day that I'm the mommy!  The other day she said "but I'm the sister!"  hehe :)  
As you can see from the pictures, Josie spent a lot of time sleeping...I have very few pictures with her pretty eyes open! :)  

Cuddling with mama in the morning...

 ahhh I could just eat those lips!!!

 Apparently Josie is not fan of Kenzie's blankie! :)


Justine said...

Glad to hear Josie is a healthy, happy newborn! I'd say if your only struggle is Kenzie "loving" her little sister too much....your probably doing pretty good! Maybe giving her a baby doll to be "her baby" and some extra diapers and baby stuff to take care of her baby with might help...of course a baby doll is not as fun as baby Josie I'm sure!

Emily said...

She is so precious! I can't wait to hold her! I knew Kenzie would be a great big sister:)