Monday, December 24, 2012

2 Months Old

Josie turned 2 months old on the 19th.
2 months way!  
Seems like she was just 2 weeks old!  
Crazy how fast babies grow! 
We just love this girl to pieces...she's so sweet!  
It's hard to remember life as a family of 3 without her! :)

Here is Josie at 2 months....
*Wears 0-3 clothes
 *size 1 diaper

*nurses every 3 hours during the day....nights seem to change every night but usually she gets up every 3-4 hours...sometimes more, sometimes less!  Speaking of nights, big sissy was already sleeping through the night at 2 I'm hoping little sis will follow her footsteps soon! :) 

*Right now her usual night routine-go to bed around 7....nurse around 11:30-12....nurse around 2-2:30...and then anytime between 4:00-6:00. It's not too bad since she usually goes right back to sleep each time.
 *Likes her swing & bouncy seat.  She will sit in them for a good amount of time and usually falls asleep.

*Still loves to be held :)
 *Starting to smile a lot more...esp. in the mornings! Last night when she woke up in the middle of the night to nurse I was greeted with a big gummy smile each time!  So worth the lack of sleep! :)
*Eye color is still undecided....but I'm thinking they will be a pretty brown like sissy!
*So far she's great in the car...once the car is moving she's fast asleep!  

*Loves baths!

2 month stats:
Height: 23.25 in.
Weight: 11 lbs 10 oz.
HC: 39.3 cm.  

That puts her in the 75 percentile for height and weight and the 100 percentile for cuteness! Hehe :)

1 comment:

Emily said...

Happy 2 Months Baby Josie!